This game was created in unity for a third year games development course
Player Movement up arrow = move forward in world coordinates down arrow = move backwards in world coordinates left arrow = move left in world coordinates right arrow = move right in world coordinates "e" key = shoots bullet and move weapon (magic staff)
The movement is a bit weird, but didn't really have time to fix it. Used 3d text to
indicate which direction character is moving in
Cameras implemented 3rd person - use the "1" key to select orbiting - use the "2" key to select 1st person - use the "3" key to select
"1" key = 3rd person camera
"2" key = orbiting camera
"3" key = 1st person camera
"7" key = decrease camera height
"8" key = increase camera height
"9" key = move camera further
"0" key = move camera closer
Environment flattened cube in xz axis is the floor random objects (spheres and cubes) placed randomly on the floor player is able to collide with the objects and the walls The walls sometimes might block half of the camera view, didn't have time to fix
Ray casting Implemented to detect collisions between bullets and objects and then used to send a visible bullet to the object
Visual Effects Lights - used a directional light and an area light (which has a halo that acts as the sun in the game world) Texturing - different textures/ materials used for the targets, the particle effect, the floor and the bullets Particle effects - Used to depict the impact of a bullet on the targets (explosion) 3D text - used to indicate to player which direction in world space they are moving
Sounds Used sound effects for shooting bullets and when the targets explode. Also have background music.
Randomness There are two types of targets (cubes and spheres) which each have a random number of spawns and are spawned in random locations with random materials/textures