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Hello Fellow < Developers />!

Matrix SVG

😄 About me

  • 🔭 I’m currently working on: Building a personal portfolio website, where I showcase my projects, skills, and achievements. Additionally, I am exploring popular web development technologies and actively working on improving my coding skills.
  • 🌱 I’m currently learning: Next.js, a powerful framework for full-stack development.
  • 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on: Exciting development projects that offer opportunities to implement new functionalities. I am passionate about working with a team, where we can teach and learn from one another.
  • 🤔 I’m looking for help with: Best practices and techniques to create robust and scalable applications.
  • 💬 Ask me about: Web development and programming languages. I can also share insights into my favorite coding tools and frameworks. If you're curious about my learning journey as a SENA student, feel free to ask!
  • 📫 How to reach me: If you have any questions or would like to connect, feel free to send me an email at Here.
  • ⚡ Fun fact: I love solving puzzles and facing challenges! It's something that keeps me motivated and helps me grow as a developer.

Typing SVG

📌 My skills set includes 🔭

🚀 Languages familiar to me:

JavaScript TypeScript C# Java Python PHP C

🎆 Development:

HTML5 CSS3 Bootstrap Tailwind CSS React Node.js GraphQL

NextJS Astro .NET

📖 Libraries and 🧰Tools:

Electron Prettier Eslint Zustand Prisma ORM tRPC Docker Git Github VSCode Postman NPM Markdown Bash Linux Json Figma PowerShell React Query Excalidraw Jira Zod React Hook Form Shadcn UI Hibernate ORM Entity Framework ORM Supabase Cloudinary Planetscale

🏬 Databases:

Maria DB MySQL PostgreSQL Sqlite SQL Server

⚙️ GitHub Analytics

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🐰 Random Things

✍️ Dev Quote

😃 Meme

(PS: Refresh the page to see a new meme 😉 )

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Wave SVG

Popular repositories Loading

  1. image-gallery-electronjs image-gallery-electronjs Public

    The Image Gallery is a personal project designed and developed while practicing building desktop applications using Electronjs.

    JavaScript 5

  2. vlogify vlogify Public

    This Blog is a collaborative project designed and developed while practicing building applications using Astro framework.

    Astro 2 1

  3. bookify bookify Public

    This library management application is a collaborative project designed and developed to create a robust and system for a library shop

    Java 2 1

  4. warwielder warwielder Public

    This website is a collaborative project designed to create a space where users have the capability to collect cards from the Hearthstone game.

    Java 2 1

  5. product-stock-crud product-stock-crud Public

    Basic stock system which performs the usual CRUD operations.

    JavaScript 1

  6. discord-clone discord-clone Public

    TypeScript 1