NestedBD is a BEAST 2 package for inference of evolutionary trees (topologies and branch lengths) from single-cell copy number profiles. We are working on making NestedBD availalbe through BEAST2 Package Manager. Currently, if you would like to use NestedBD it can be installed mannuly by using as described in section "Installation". If you would like to mannuly build the package from source file (which is also in this repository), see Section "Build the Package".
Apache Ant needs to be installed.
First, download and build the latest release of Beast2 Project:
git clone
cd beast2
Download and build NestedBD. Make sure the folder beast2 and BD are under the same directory when running ant addon.
cd ..
git clone
cp -r NestedBD/BD/ BD/
cd BD/
ant addon
If build is successful, you should be able to find the zip file named contain the package under /beast2/build/dist/. You can use the following command to check whether such file exist:
cd ..
test -f beast2/build/dist/ && echo "$FILE exists."
NestedBD is implemented as a BEAST2 package, and requires beast2 installation to run.NestedBD is currently not compatible with beast 2.7.
Please follow the instruction on and download the BEAST2 version for your operating system. Note that this is different to download and build source code of beast2 from GitHub repository.
Please follow the instruction on and using NestedBD uses CoupledMCMC to speed up execution, the CoupledMCMC package for beast2 can be installed according to instruction at:
Please follow the instruction to run beast2 through command line:, using scripts/BD.xml. For example, for linux, run:
~/beast/bin/beast -seed 1 test.xml
If all required packages are successfully installed, you should see ''1.trees'' and ''1.log'' (along with other files) at where you execute the command.
NestedBD takes a integer copy number matrix, with each row represent a bin, and each column represent a cell. An example of accepted data matrix is available at ''scripts/test.cnp''. After the data is properly formatted, you can then generate the xml file to be used as input by:
python -data ${path to the data matrix file you prepared} -out ${path to generated xml file}
Please ensure ''text.xml'' are in the same folder as the '''' to avoid error.
The MCMC chain length can be mannualy set to desired value, such as N, by setting ''chainLength="{N}" in generated xml file. You may also want to change the frequency of logger, by setting logEvery="{M}" in the generated xml file accordingly.
When the xml file is ready, again follow the instruction to run beast2 through command line: For example, with Linux and default installation:
~/beast/bin/beast {your_input}.xml
There's no command line parameter required to be specified except the input file location when running NestedBD. The prior distribution and parameter values used for the study are specificed within the xml file.