Hi! My name is Angel Velay. Thank You for taking the time to view my GitHub Profile 😄
🎓Recent computer engineer graduate from FES-Aragón | UNAM
🔭 I’m currently working on some projects , you can see them visiting my Portfolio : PORTFOLIO
🌱 I’m currently learning REACT JS,SpringBoot,REDUX, Machine Leraning
👯 My current goal is to find a place where I can grow professionally while I keep learning.
💬 Talk to me about JavaScript , React , Web Dev
const AngelVelay = {
code: [Javascript,Python, Java,],
technologies: {
frontEnd: {
js: ["React","React Native"],
css: ["Material UI", "Bootstrap", "Material Design","Styled Components"]
backEnd: {
java: ["Spring"],
js: ["Node", "Express"]
databases: ["MongoDB", "MySQL"]]
currentOccupation: ["Recent graduated,Self-taught person"],
challenge: "I'm loking for a place where I can grow professionally while I keep learning..",