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Modern JavaScript Developer Course

Welcome to my Modern JavaScript Developer Course! This repository showcases my journey through the Udemy course "The Complete JavaScript Course 2024: From Zero to Expert!." Each project folder corresponds to a specific topic, and the mini-learning web apps within each part are a testament to my progress and understanding of JavaScript.

Video Demo and Live Application

initial Live Video Demo

Click on the image above or use this 🎬 Watch the video to watch the demo video.

Explore the live demo: JavaScript Course Learning Parts Live Demo

Learning Highlights

  • Foundation Building: Mastered foundational JavaScript concepts, including variables, if/else statements, operators, and more in the 01-Fundamentals-Part-1 section.

  • Advanced Topics: Expanded my JavaScript knowledge with advanced topics like ES6+ features and modern coding techniques in 02-Fundamentals-Part-2.

  • Developer Skills: Developed essential developer skills, problem-solving strategies, and set up a proficient development environment in 03-Developer-Skills.

  • Front-End Enhancement: Optionally brushed up on HTML and CSS essentials in 04-HTML-CSS to enhance front-end development skills.

Showcase Projects

  1. Guess My Number Game - Implemented a fun game to practice skills. 05-Guess-My-Number

  2. Modal Creation - Built a modal using JavaScript. 06-Modal

  3. Pig Game Implementation - Implemented a Pig Game using JavaScript. 07-Pig-Game

  4. Behind the Scenes Exploration - Gained insights into how JavaScript works behind the scenes. 08-Behind-the-Scenes

  5. Data Manipulation Mastery - Explored data structures, modern operators, and string manipulation techniques. 09-Data-Structures-Operators

  6. Function Deep Dive - Took a closer look at JavaScript functions, including higher-order functions, closures, and the 'this' keyword. 10-Functions

  7. Array Expertise in Bankist - Mastered working with arrays and array methods like map, filter, and reduce. 11-Arrays-Bankist

  8. Numbers, Dates, and Timers in Bankist - Learned about number-related operations, working with dates, and timers in JavaScript. 12-Numbers-Dates-Timers-Bankist

  9. Advanced DOM Manipulation in Bankist - Built on DOM and events knowledge with more advanced concepts and practical examples. 13-Advanced-DOM-Bankist

  10. Object-Oriented Programming Principles - Understood Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) principles in JavaScript. 14-OOP

  11. Mapty App Development - Applied OOP skills by building the Mapty App, incorporating geolocation and external libraries. 15-Mapty

  12. Asynchronous JavaScript Mastery - Explored asynchronous JavaScript, including promises, async/await, and making AJAX calls. 16-Asynchronous

  13. Modern JS Modules and Tooling - Dived into modern JavaScript development tools like NPM, Parcel, Babel, and ES6 modules. 17-Modern-JS-Modules-Tooling

  14. Forkify App Building - Applied skills to build the Forkify App, a modern web application. 18-forkify

Proof of Learning

This repository serves as my living proof of mastering JavaScript concepts and building real-world projects. Each project folder showcases my progress, and I've diligently documented my learning journey in code.

Feel free to explore each project, and let's celebrate the journey of becoming an advanced, confident, and modern JavaScript developer together! 🚀🌐