- Technotrack 2021
- HSE DeepLearning
- MIPT DeepLearningSchool
- Tinkoff course
- Dive into Deep Learning
- Other guides
- Finish technotrack's lectures
- Make DeTR-like decoder for BERT encoder (multilable classification task)
- Understand NVIDIA-Dali (not at all, mix of shader-code and python makes it's work unstable and confusing)
- Look throught the Tinkoff's lectures
- Refactor cloudiness estimation project
- Learn how does Transformers work
- Learn how does GAN work
- CV trick (Squeeze&Excitation, DepthwiseSeparateConv and so on)
- Autograd tricks
- Knoledge distillation, pruning
- Transformers
- Autoencoders
- Metric learning
- BERToDeTR for multilable classification (BERT as backbone)
- Cloudiness estimation (almost done, some minimal tests left)
- FaceGeneration (there are some basic results)
- DeTR for detection and segmentation
- Judging trampoline acrobatics (commertial one, there is video as a proof)
- Face recognition
- PyTorch-Lightning
- Wandb
- Connectome
- Composer
- Torch-Pruning (a bit familiar)
- transformers, datasets (Huggingface)