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1. United Kingdom Bank Customer Segmentation Dashboard

#UKBankCustomerBaseline #StoryLine #InteractiveDashboard #Bins&Parameters #Annotations Screenshot 2023-08-28 at 1 25 26 PM





  • The majority of bank customers, 54%, are from the United Kingdom.
  • The UK customer base primarily consists of white-collar workers, constituting 70% of their clientele. This could be attributed to London's status as the economic hub of Europe.
Screenshot 2023-08-28 at 2 32 32 PM


  • A significant majority of our customers are older individuals, with males making up the predominant group at 72%.
  • Majority of the customers are more blue collar workers(48%), very few white - collar workers.
Screenshot 2023-08-28 at 4 03 57 PM

Northern Ireland

  • Majority of customers are predominantly Females(74%) and maximum bank balance is below 35k within the age group of 28 - 30.
Screenshot 2023-08-28 at 4 13 31 PM


  • In contrast to the general baseline, there's a distinct pattern in the distribution of balances. While the baseline shows a decrease, the "whales" category initially experiences an increase before eventually declining.
  • The data for Wales indicates a higher-than-average presence of mid-sized balances.
Screenshot 2023-08-28 at 4 05 33 PM

2. WeWashUSleep Startup Expansion

#Groups #GeographicalRoles #CalculatedField #Highlighter #Clustering #KmeansClustering #CrossDatabaseJoin #ThreeDimensionalModeling #TrendLine

1st Challenge

  • Average Revenue per city, Average Marketing Spend per city, Average Revenue on marketing investment per city (Revenue / Marketing Spend).

2nd Challenge

  • Top 10 New locations having the best potential for the company to invest more funds into marketing.



Inference from 1st Challenge

  • Region 2 has better returns on marketing spend compared to Region 1.
Screenshot 2023-09-05 at 12 15 34 PM

Inference from 2nd Challenge

  • Two new cities are situated within the lower-clustered cities, characterized by high marketing expenses but relatively low revenue. Therefore, it is advisable to allocate investments towards the higher-clustered cities, where marketing expenditure is moderate and revenue is consistently above average.
Screenshot 2023-09-05 at 3 04 30 PM

Refined our analysis by cross joining the 2nd Dataset (Population), now inference from 2nd Challenge.

  • Red Trendline: With every dollar spent on marketing, the company generates revenue of $0.94. Consequently, in this cluster or group of cities, the company is operating at a loss.
Screenshot 2023-09-06 at 2 36 28 PM
  • Orange Trendline: With every dollar spent on marketing, the company generates revenue of $7.32. Consequently, in this cluster or group of cities, the company is profitable.
Screenshot 2023-09-06 at 2 36 48 PM
  • Blue Trendline: With every dollar spent on marketing, the company generates revenue of $3.17. Consequently, in this cluster or group of cities, the company is profitable.
Screenshot 2023-09-06 at 2 37 00 PM


  • Recommend that WeWashUSleep increase its marketing efforts in three new orange cities: California, Illinois, and New Jersey.

3. New York Crime/Incidents Statistics

#ImportSpacialDataFromOpenSourcePlatforms #ImportpdfFile #JoinSpacialPdf #CleanData #RemoveDuplicates $CreategeographicalPolygons




Screenshot 2023-09-07 at 4 34 56 PM

4. Average Annual Salary - New York Employment Data

#Filters #CalculatedFields #DataCleaning #RemoveDuplicates $TooltipVisualization



Screenshot 2023-09-08 at 5 30 48 PM