I'm actively seeking early-career/new graduate opportunities in Data and Decision Science, Machine Learning, Data Engineering, and Software Engineering. Feel free to browse my profile to learn more about me!
- Data Analytics and Business Intelligence: Case Study on Business Governance using Data Analytics
- Data Science: Project Report on Hybrid Movie Recommendation System
- Computer Architecture: Term Paper on Cognitive Computing: The Future of Augmented Intelligence
- Cryptography and Network Security: Term Paper on Assessing the Efficacy of Lightweight Encryption Methods for Protecting Medical Imaging Data in Internet of Medical Things (IOMT) Environment
Currently reading the following books: (i) "Ace the Data Science Interview" by Kevin Huo and Nick Singh (ii) "Cracking the Coding Interview" by Gayle Laakmann McDowell
LeetCoding: View my profile here: https://leetcode.com/u/AnouMer/
- Passed the following certification exams: (i) Azure AI Fundamentals (ii) Azure Data Scientist Associate (iii) Azure Certified Data Engineer Associate
- Full-Stack Website: Built my Portfolio Website as well using React, Next.js, TailwindCSS, HTML, JavaScript and deployed it onto Vercel, View it here: [Website (https://anou.vercel.app/)
- Completed a 30-day LeetCode Challenge where I worked on DSA problems using Python and also won the SQL 50 and Introduction to Pandas Badges on LeetCode!
- Playwright Automated Script: Learned how to write an automation script using Playwright and JavaScript. New Technology Unlocked! β View it here: Hacker news sorting validation
- Finished the course, The Complete Software Testing BootCamp on Udemy where I built my expertise in Software Testing using JUnit, TestNG, Selenium, API Testing using Postman, Agile Testing, Test Automation and other Automation techniques
- Worked on 2 Data Science Projects with the Northeast Big Data Innovation Hub partnering with Columbia University and NYC Dept of Transportation.
- Won the November Daily Coding Badge on LeetCode!
- Looking to collaborate on Data Science and Data Engineering projects, Hackathons, and Coding Contests.
- Databases, Data Analytics, Big Data, NLP, ML, Data Structures and Algorithms, Programming languages like Python, Java, R, and SQL
- Feel free to reach me at: amergoju@syr.edu or anoushkamergoju@gmail.com
- I'm a multi-passionate individual with a love for Literature, Art, Economics and International Politics/Relations!
- I'm currently reading "The Defining Decade" by Meg Jay.