This web app lets users notate guitar chords in the browser. Users generate blank chord diagrams and place dots to indicate finger positions. All the diagrams are generated with SVG's.
You will need Docker installed, and a Mongo database hosted on mLab. The Node backend is in a Docker container, the React front end is not.
git clone
cd chord-app
# Install Node and React client dependencies
make npm
# Start up the Node server in dev mode (hot reload) from the project root
make node_dev
# Server should be running on port 8080
# Start the React client
make client
# Navigate to http://localhost:3000/ in your browser
# To shut down Docker containers
docker system prune -a
Backend tests - src/server/tests
Run npm test
from the root folder
The Node backend uses a variables.env
in src/server
file to connect to the Mongo database and, a service used to test emails sent to users. You will need to create that file and fill in your specific data.
DATABASE=mongodb address and credentials user password host
- Create React App - Used on the client side for easy bootstrapping of React
- Node.js/Express - Handles the requests to the database for user creation/login and displaying of chordsheets belonging to that user.
- MongoDB - where the data is stored
- Passport.js - Authentication middleware for Node.js