A script to bombard your friend with as many message as you want.
1.Chrome Web browser
3.Selenium web driver along with python
4.Chromedriver in your system
You need to make the following change to the script to use it successfully:
1.Change the variable contact to the name of contact you want to send message.
2.Change the message variable to a message of your liking.
3.By default, the number of messages is set to 100. You can change it to whatever no of messages you would like to sent.
4.Change the executable path of the chrome driver to the path where you have stored your chromedriver.
1.Open cmd and enter the command python whatsapp_bomber.py.
2.In case of Linux or Mac, type the command python3 whatsapp_bomber.py.
3.A chrome browser window will pop up with Whatsapp web. Scan the QR code using your phone whatsapp.
1.Download and install python3 by going to the following link: https://www.python.org/downloads/release/python-383/
2.Install selenium by entering the command pip install selenium in cmd.
3.In case of linux, python3 should be automatically installed, you can install selenium by using the above command.
4.Downlaod chromedriver from following link: https://chromedriver.chromium.org/downloads