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AppLovin MAX Flutter Plugin

AppLovin MAX Flutter Plugin for Android and iOS.


Check out our integration docs here.


See for the latest releases of the plugin.

Demo App Instructions

To get started with the demo app, please ensure Flutter is installed on your system. Once everything is properly installed, follow the instructions below to get the demo application up and running.

  1. Obtain your AppLovin SDK Key from the dashboard here.
  2. Obtain your Ad Unit IDs from the dashboard here.
  3. Update the SDK_KEY and Ad Unit IDs in the main.dart file.
  4. Update the package name from com.applovin.enterprise.apps.demoapp to one that matches your ad units. Be sure to do this for every package name reference in the demo app.


1. Updating the package name in app/build.gradle:

  • Navigate to your Flutter project directory in your file explorer or terminal.
  • Within the project directory, navigate to android/app/ to find the build.gradle file.
  • Open build.gradle with a text editor or an IDE.
  • Update applicationId with your package name.
android {
    defaultConfig {
        applicationId "your_package_name"

2. Adding adapters to app/build.gradle:

  • Add the necessary adapters for the mediated ad networks you plan to integrate, as specified in the documentation. It will look something like this:
dependencies {
    // Other dependencies...
    implementation 'com.example.adapter:version'


Do not add the underlying AppLovin SDK to your dependencies. The AppLovin MAX Flutter plugin already specifies the certified SDK version corresponding to the plugin. If you also manually add the dependency, this may break your build and cause unpredictable results.

implementation 'com.applovin:applovin-sdk:+'

3. Updating AndroidManifest.xml with meta-data (if required):

  • Within the android/app/ directory, locate and open the AndroidManifest.xml file.
  • If the mediated ad network adapter you add requires meta-data, insert the necessary meta-data elements within the <application> tag.


1. Adding adapters to your podfile:

  • Locate your Podfile in the /ios folder.
  • Open the Podfile with a text editor or IDE.
  • Add the necessary adapter pods for the mediated networks you're integrating, as specified in the documentation. It will look something like this:
target 'Runner' do
  flutter_install_all_ios_pods File.dirname(File.realpath(__FILE__))
  pod 'AppLovinMediationExampleAdapter'


Do not add the underlying AppLovin SDK to your dependencies. The AppLovin MAX Flutter plugin already specifies the certified SDK version corresponding to the plugin. If you also manually add the dependency, this may break your build and cause unpredictable results.

pod 'AppLovinSDK'

2. Installing the Pods:

  • After you save the Podfile, open a terminal and run the following commands to install the pods:
pod install --repo-update

3. Updating the Bundle Identifier with your package name:

  • In your Flutter project's ios folder, find and open the Runner.xcworkspace file to launch Xcode.
  • Select the Signing and Capabilities tab and update the Bundle Identifier with your package name, ensuring it matches the package name configured in your AppLovin dashboard.

4. Adding the NSUserTrackingUsageDescription key to the Information Property List (Info.plist):

  • Add NSUserTrackingUsageDescription to your Information Property List via Xcode or directly edit Info.plist. This key is necessary so that your app can display the permission prompt for tracking user activity across apps.

5. Updating 'Info.plist' (if required):

  • If the mediated ad network adapter you add requires an information property, update Info.plist with the necessary key-value pairs.
