After creating your Cloud9 instance and configuring it by following all the steps included in these web pages:
Then use the commands below to finish setting up the rest of the lab:
Clone this GitHub repository:
git clone modernization_workshop
Change directory to where the repo has been cloned
cd /home/ec2-user/environment/modernization_workshop
Set lab user id to at least 5 character name
export appd_workshop_user=jrshn
OPTIONAL: If you want to target your own controller then edit the '/home/ec2-user/environment/modernization_workshop/controller-config.yaml' file with your controller details and the user name and password for a controller login user that has the 'Account Owner' role assigned. Then set the variable that points to the 'controller-config.yaml' file like the example below. (Do this Before you run - (Only run once)
export appd_controller_details_file_path=./controller-config.yaml
Then run the setup script with the command below which performs the tasks listed in the link below: Note: The initial setup takes about 24 minutes to complete
Once the initial setup has completed, then next step is to create the EKS cluster with the commands below: Note: The EKS cluster creation takes about 15 minutes to complete
cd /home/ec2-user/environment/modernization_workshop
Once the EKS cluster creation has completed, then next step is to deploy the 'post-modernization' application the EKS cluster with the commands below:
cd /home/ec2-user/environment/modernization_workshop
Once the 'post-modernization' application deployment has completed, then next step is to deploy the AppDynamics Agents with the commands below:
cd /home/ec2-user/environment/modernization_workshop
Now it's time to work through the observability sections of the workshop lab guide - TBD
PLEASE! When you are finished with the workshop, kindly run the '' script to delete all the resources in AWS and the AppDynamics Controller that were created during the workshop by using the commands below:
cd /home/ec2-user/environment/modernization_workshop