dbtweets: Given the Twitter data dump of tweets related to election influence campaigns. This code reconstructs and datamines the tweets from the raw data dump.
Copyright 2018 Neal Krawetz License: WTFPL version 2
How to install:
Everything is relative to the "www/" directory. You need 2 directories: ./www/ and ./data/ Your web server will only access "www/", but data is used for additional dependency files.
(Why ".."? Simple security: remote users cannot directly access the dependency files through the web browser.)
Put all php and js and sh files in "../data/".
Download all of the Twitter dump zip files.
NOTE: It's about 365G and includes both IRA and Iran content.
Temporarily: Put all of the zip files in ../data/ Symbolic links are fine. DO NOT UNZIP THE FILES! DO NOT RENAME THE FILES!
Convert the CSV and zip file contents into an SQLite3 database.
cd data
NOTE: This is SLOW. It might take 2-3 hours. When it finishes, you will have:
tweets.sqlite (4.9G)
media.sqlite (411M)
There are also a bunch of temp files that you no longer need: *.zip *.csv
SQLite3 is not fast enough for some searches, even with indexes turned on. Cache the slowest searches for speed:
cd data
php cli.php cache
This will take a few hours to complete. After the first minute, you should have data/cache/cache-dates-all.gz
When it exists, you're ready to use the site (even while other cache files are being generated).
Copy data/index.php to www/index.php
That's it! Your web browser should hit your web server and it will access index.php.
NOTE: If you don't know how to configure the web server to use the index.php file, well, that's outside the scope of this little script. I'm sure your web server software has a tutorial somewhere.