- This is a telegram bot which an organization can use to manage their group.
- It has the following features:
- Schedule a meeting
- Know the latest meeting
- Get all the social media accounts in one go
- Send company Logo
- Add new handles and logos
- Remove user
- Filter a particular keyword and replies to the keyword when it finds that
- Get replies whenever filtered text is encountered
- Get Animated version of text on calling thonkify (Some of the code has been referred from skittlesbot)
- In order to test the bot, generate a token for your own bot with botfather
- Copy-Paste the token that you were allotted inside the TOKEN='' variable in tgbot.py file
- For instance if the token generated is xyz, you should replace TOKEN='xyz'
- Do refer to this link to create your own instances of bots, and test the code.
- First make a virtual environment with:
virtualenv -p python3 <name_for_virtualenv>
- Activate the virtualenv with
source <name_of_virtualenv>/bin/activate
- Now, install the requirements using
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
- You are good to go! Directly run the script with:
python3 tgbot.py
Here is a video detailing the setup