Features | Login Details | Project Structure | Images | Technologies | Usage | License
The College Elections Voting App is a web application developed as part of a weekend bootcamp task. It allows users to vote in a college election and provides an admin dashboard to manage and view election results.
- User Authentication: Secure login for users and admin.
- Voting System: Users can vote for one of five candidates.
- Admin Dashboard: Admins can view a list of users and see a graphical representation of voting results.
Admin User
- Email: Ike74@gmail.com
- Password: j9TU3qYoqGFnecx
Regular User
- Email: Alfred26@yahoo.com
- Password: 8qKLzxc6gMGA_cw
User Who Has Not Voted
- Email: Israel.Herzog@yahoo.com
- Password: VEs021ROjOLqSb3
- LoginPage: Handles authentication and redirects based on user role.
- UserPage: Voting interface for regular users.
- AdminPage: Overview of users and voting results, with a pie chart for admins.
- Frontend: React
- Routing: React Router
- Styles: CSS
- Data: Mock API
- Login: Users log in with their credentials; admins access additional features.
- Vote: Users select their preferred candidate.
- Admin Dashboard: Admins view user lists and voting results.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
For any questions or suggestions, feel free to contact me at abelartur.mail@gmail.com.