- Clone the repository :-
git clone https://github.com/Aryaman1706/ReDoc.git
- Navigate to the folder via command line.
- Install npm packages for the backend :-
npm i
- Navigate to the client folder :-
cd client
- Install npm packages for the frontend :-
npm i
- Go back to the root folder :-
cd ..
- Start the Application :-
npm run dev
I tried to make a go-to application for all those people who want to collaborate in any form of documentation be it a report, marketing proposal or a readme file for an application. Basically anything where quality text in priortized over formating and designing.
MERN Stack
- React application bootstraped by create-react-app.
- Context API - To manipulate state.
- CSS framework :- Materialize CSS.
- Socket.io -client package used to provide RealTime functionality.
- Node.js - JavaScript runtime built.
- Express.js - Minimal Node.js web application framework.
- MongoDB - Database service.
- Socket.io - To provide RealTime functionality.
- Express-fileupload - To help with file upload.
- jsonwebtoken - To help with user authentication.
- Make the application more fluid.
- Improve the user experience.
- Implement chat functionality amongst the collaborators of the document.