, I'm Ashwin!
I am a Master's in Computer Science (MS Thesis) student at Virginia Tech. My interests are in the field of Software Engineering, Data Science, Machine Learning, Computer Vision and Natural Language Processing. I have comprehensive experience in Data Science and Machine learning and have even worked as a Machine Learning Intern at Mindbowser Inc working on a Facial Expression Recognition Project using Deep learning. Furthermore I have worked in various projects in Natural Language Processing, Computer Vision, ML applications in healthcare, Information Retrieval and storage and software engineering.
I am a Kaggle Notebooks experts and enjoy writing code related to Data Science, NLP and CV competitions. You can checkout my work and kaggle profile here and my newest kaggle notebook contribution here here .
I love solving Data Structures and Algorithms related problems and frequenty blog about them. Please checkout my Leetcode Solutions Blog. .
Alternatively I also love elucidating Machine Learning and Deep learning concepts and code and as a Result I blog about any new thing I am working on in Machine Learning or Deep learning and you can find the blogpost articles here .
I am open for internship opportunities starting in the summer of 2022. Please feel free to reach out to me regarding any opportunity or for collaborations or just for the sake of reaching out :D.