AniMate is a Python-based anime recommendation system that utilizes natural language processing (NLP) to suggest anime based on user preferences.
To get started with AniMate, you need to install the following software:
- Anaconda: A free and open-source distribution of Python. Download Anaconda for Windows.
- Git: A version control system to manage your codebase. Download Git for Windows.
To clone the repository, follow these steps:
Open your command line interface (CLI).
Run the following command:
Navigate to the project directory:
cd AniMate
Create a Conda virtual environment with the specific Python version:
conda create --name animate python=3.11
Activate the virtual environment:
conda activate animate
Install project dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
To contribute to the project, follow these steps:
Create an Issue: If you find a bug or have a feature request, create a new issue on the GitHub repository.
Create a Branch:
- Branch names should follow the GitFlow strategy.
- For a new feature:
- For a bug fix:
git checkout -b feature/<feature-name>
Commit Changes:
- Make sure to commit your changes with a message referring to the issue number.
- Use the format:
#<issue-number> "commit message"
git add . git commit -m "#<issue-number> commit message"
Push Changes:
git push origin feature/<feature-name>
Create a Pull Request:
- Go to the GitHub repository and create a pull request to merge your branch into the
- Go to the GitHub repository and create a pull request to merge your branch into the