Discord bot representing brotherhood and unity.
Detailed documentation and installation instructions can be found on their respective web pages, but for quick start you can use:
brew install opus ffmpeg
on OS Xapt-get install -y libopus0 ffmpeg
on Debian based systems
You can easily deploy this bot to Heroku by flowing these steps:
- Make sure you have Heroku account, and Heroku CLI installed. You can find Heroku CLI installation instructions here
- Open your terminal and log in your Heroku CLI by running
heroku login
- Navigate into the project directory
- Create Heroku application by running
heroku create
- Login into Container Registry with
heroku container:login
- Set Discord Bot token as environment variable
heroku config:set JB_DISC_TOKEN="your token"
- Set Battle.net token as environment variable
heroku config:set JB_BNET_TOKEN="your token"
- Push your container with
heroku container:push worker
- And then release it with
heroku container:release worker
- Start worker dyno by running
heroku ps:scale worker=1
- Enjoy!