This sample application demonstrates how to extract metadata of model on your Autodesk360, BIM360 or Autodesk Construction Cloud(ACC) account, into an excel spreadsheet. The sample code demonstates 3-legged OAuth, a simple viewer extension and code to handle meta-data and format it into an excel spreadsheet file.
In the project tree of this sample, Autodesk360, BIM360 and ACC project are listed with different icons.
Video: Youtube
For using this sample, you need to log into your Autodesk developer account. Visit the Forge Developer Portal and sign up for an account, then create an app. When asked for the 'callback URL' in your new app, use http://localhost:3000/api/forge/callback/oauth. Finally take note of the Client ID and Client Secret.
Install NodeJS.
Clone this project or download it. It's recommended to install GitHub desktop. To clone it via command line, use the following (Terminal on MacOSX/Linux, Git Shell on Windows):
git clone
To run it, install the required packages, set the enviroment variables with your client ID & secret and finally start it. Via command line, navigate to the folder where this repository was cloned and use the following:
Mac OSX/Linux (Terminal)
npm install
npm run dev
Windows (use Node.js command line from Start menu)
npm install
npm run dev
Open the browser: http://localhost:3000.
Important: do not use npm start locally, this is intended for PRODUCTION only with HTTPS (SSL) secure cookies.
To deploy this application to Heroku, the Callback URL & redirect_uri must use your address. After clicking on the button below, at the Heroku Create New App page, set your Client ID & Secret and the correct callback URL.
Watch this video on how deploy this sample to Heroku.
All Autodesk Forge NPM packages are included by default, see complete list of what's available at NPM website. OAuth, Model Derivative and OSS are used. Some other non-Autodesk packaged are used, including express and its session/cookie middlewares (express-session and cookie-parser) for user session handling. The front-end uses bootsrap and jquery.
For local development/testing, consider use nodemon package, which auto restart your node application after any modification on your code. To install it, use:
sudo npm install -g nodemon
Then, instead of npm run dev, use the following:
npm run nodemon
Which executes nodemon server.js --ignore www/, where the --ignore parameter indicates that the app should not restart if files under www folder are modified.
getProperties does not return data: In default, Get Properties endpoint can only respond with data if the resource < 20M. A query param forceget forces get the large resource even if it exceeded the expected maximum length (20 MB).
Cannot see my BIM 360 or ACC projects: Make sure to provision the Forge App Client ID within the BIM 360 or ACC Account, learn more here. This requires the Account Admin permission.
Cannot load Autodesk360 model: In Autodesk360, the model is not translated by default until the end user loads the model one time in Autodesk360, or the developer posts job to translate.
error setting certificate verify locations error: may happen on Windows, use the following:
git config --global http.sslverify "false"
- Forge Blog
- Field of View, a BIM focused blog
- Autodesk Construction Cloud Unified Products: Does it Affect My Application?
- Autodesk Build and Other Autodesk Construction Cloud Unified Products Launch
This sample is licensed under the terms of the MIT License. Please see the LICENSE file for full details.
Developer Advocate and Support, Autodesk