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CI Test Coverage

This library provides the ability to send Push Notifications to Apple using the new JSON-based endpoint.


This library aims to be:


There's not a lot here – just enough classes to model the API and provide a client. Bring your own business logic, job queue, and framework integrations.


The library assumes you want:

  • Type hinted everything. We're careful about what we accept and explicit about what we return.
  • Validation when creating push notification payloads (instead of having them rejected after being sent). This makes issues easier to find in development.
  • Separation of notification scheduling and delivery. While it's possible to build and send a notification all at once, we assume you're using some sort of worker process to handle delivery to Apple. Because of this, the library provides serialization and deserialization.
  • As few runtime dependencies as possible, and it works just as well whether you're using composer or not.


The library is designed to maximize queue throughput and minimize latency – to do this, it moves as much processing as possible out of the queue worker into the scheduling logic.

System Requirements

  • PHP 7.3 or greater
  • PHP curl extension version 7.61 or greater
  • PHP curl compiled with HTTP/2 support

Common Issues


Debian removed the Geotrust certificate that Apple relies on in the 20200601 ca-certificates update. The best workaround until that's fixed is to use the another certificate bundle, such as the one provided by curl. You can do this by using:

$client = APNSClient::withConfiguration($configuration)->setCertificateBundlePath('/path/to/cacert.pem');