Svg helper functions for Hyperapp. Use hyperapp-svg
as an alternative to JSX or the hyperapp.h function.
This package is a temporary solution until the SVG tags get merged into hyperapp/html.
npm i hyperapp-svg
import { app } from 'hyperapp'
import { svg, circle, defs, linearGradient, stop } from 'hyperapp-svg'
const view = () =>
svg({ x: 0, y: 0, width: 600, height: 400, viewBox: '0 0 600 400' }, [
circle({ cx: 300, cy: 200, r: 60, fill: 'url(#MyGradient)' }),
linearGradient({ id: 'MyGradient' }, [
stop({ offset: '5%', 'stop-color': '#f60' }),
stop({ offset: '95%', 'stop-color': '#ff6' })
app({}, {}, view, document.body)
Most non-deprecated svg elements are supported, check svg-tags.json for the list of available svg tags.