- Clone the repo
git clone 'https://github.com/AwaleRohin/create-repo-script.git'
- Move to cloned directory
cd create-repo-script
- Make sure you have python installed along with pip
- Create vitrual environment
python3 -m venv venv
orvirtualenv -p python3 venv
to install required packages or you can install the required pacakges globally wthout creating virtual environment - To install required packages:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Create credentials.yaml
touch credentials.yaml
and fill with the help of credentials.yaml.example file - Provide user access to execute script
chmod u+x script.sh
- Finaly run the project:
./script.sh <name_of_repo>
- Go to Github Setting -> Developer Setting -> Personal Access Token -> Generate new token or simply go to this link
- Make sure to select
in scope while generating token