An open-source, dicord bot wrote in Python and is ran in a docker container.
Latest version of Python (Python 3.9.6)
A discord application, if not make one at the discord developer pannel. Or click the link below.
Add the correct permissions to the bot, then invite it you your server.
Portainer (Optional)
- Some moderation commands, all for now but the bot is still being worked on!
After you git the source, create a venv with python inside the root directoy of this project.
- python3 -m venv (directory)
- Edit the file with your settings and token. (Inside the app folder)
- Build the docker image, docker build -t xz1il/astera . (Must include the . at the end or it will fail)
- Run the container, docker run xz1il/astera
- Finished!