This project leverages the power of Django, Celery, and Redis to manage user sessions on a high-performance ubuntu machine. Users can acquire tickets (comprising a username and password) from a webpage and the system adeptly handles session management tasks such as initiation, locking, and termination. This system was originally implemented for my School's Network Department to facilitate for them the management of students that benefits from the provided machine.
Homepage and form for ticket access:
- Creates automatically a user with a secured generated password (username=provided email) in the ubuntu system and locks its password until the scheduled session starts.
- Session Management: Start, lock, and end sessions with seamless orchestration using Celery.
- Django Admin can manually change the Session start datetime and length for each user.
- Autmatic email sending to the student using SMTP protocol
- High Concurrency: Built for performance with the robust capabilities of Celery and Redis.
Clone the repository:
git clone
Navigate to the project directory and install the requirements:
cd pfe-gpu
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run migrations:
python migrate
Start the Django development server:
python runserver
Using Celery with Redis
To harness the full power of this system, ensure the Redis server is running and then start the Celery worker:
celery -A your_project_name worker --loglevel=info
For real-time task monitoring, you can utilize Flower:
celery -A your_project_name flower
Feel free to fork the project, create a feature branch, and send us a pull request.