running Tailormap Admin
- create an empty database to store the config data
optionally add the
PG_PORT=5432 PG_HOST= DB_NAME=tailormap DB_USER=tailormap DB_PASS=tailormap URL_SCHEME=http TM_DATA_DIR=/opt/tailormap_data docker run -h tailormap-db --name tailormap-db -it -d \ -e POSTGRES_USER=${DB_USER} \ -e POSTGRES_DB=${DB_NAME} \ -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=${DB_PASS} \ -p ${PG_PORT}:5432 postgres:14.1-alpine3.15
option if you want the database to be dropped after stopping - build the docker image using Maven
Note that on Windows, OpenBSD and MacOS building the docker image is disabled by default, add the option
mvn clean install
if you want to build the docker image - start a container using:
Assuming the same shell that was used to start the database so the environment variables are set
CATALINA_OPTS="-DPG_PORT=${PG_PORT} -DPG_HOST=${PG_HOST} -DDB_NAME=${DB_NAME} -DDB_USER=${DB_USER} -DDB_PASS=${DB_PASS} -DURL_SCHEME=${URL_SCHEME} -DMAIL_FROM=${MAIL_FROM} -DMAIL_HOST=${MAIL_HOST} -DTM_DATA_DIR=${TM_DATA_DIR}" docker run --rm -it -d --network host \ -e "CATALINA_OPTS=${CATALINA_OPTS}" \ -h tailormap-admin --name tailormap-admin \
- point your browser to http://localhost:8080/admin/ to login