Compile-time and header-only Entity-Component-System library.
There is a lot of ECS implementations you can find in the github, at least i've seen many of them, but didn't find something suitable for my goals. Some of them do a lot of job in runtime, some of then are complicated for integration, some of them have tons of unecessary for me functionality and etc. Finally i decided to create another one. I don't pretend for best solution i just created another one solution suitable for my goals and shared it here if somebody finds my solutions usefull for his own projects as well.
User application should provide specializations for following config templates:
- EntityManagerConfig to define list of possible types of components and those storages.
using entity_manager_config_t = enttx::EntityManagerConfig<
enttx::ComponentStorage<16, 128, Transform>,
enttx::ComponentStorage<16, 128, Camera>,
enttx::ComponentStorage<16, 128, DirectionalLight>
- SystemManagerConfig to define list of systems and update stages
using system_manager_config_t = enttx::SystemManagerConfig<
Entity class is just wrapping uint64_t numbers to present entity version and entity index to associate entity with set of components.
Components stores data related to objects and have as little logic as possible (typically POD types). Components must be default constructible.
Enttx provides default storage type for components and CRTP template to create custom storage if necessary. Storages must be default constuctible.
EntityManager class provides all necessary functionality to manage entities and those classes
- to create / destroy entity
auto entity = entityManager.create();
// or to create many at once:
auto entities = entityManager.createMany(std::array<enttx::Entity, 1000>());
- to test if entity valid:
- to manage components:
// ...
// to assign component to entity
entityManager.assign<Camera>(entity, near, far, fov, aspect);
// to remove one or more components from entity
entityManager.remove<Camera, DirectionalLight>(entity);
// ...
// to get access to component of entity
entityManager.getComponent<Camera>(entity); // return pointer
// or to get access to several components of entity at once
entityManager.getComponents<Camera, Transform>(entity); // return tuple of pointers
// ...
// to test if entity has some component or components
entityManager.hasComponent<Camera>(entity); // return bool
entityManager.hasComponents<Camera, Transform>(entity); // return bitset
- to get access to entities with necessary list of components:
auto view = entityManager.getView<Transform, Camera>();
for (auto&& [entity, transform, camera] : view) {
// do smth...
// or to get all entities that has at least one component
auto view = entityManager.getView<>();
for (auto&& [entity] : view) {
// do smth...
// or to get direct access to component's storage
auto storage = entityManager.getStorage<Camera>(); // storage of camera's components
- to apply changes for any components of entity:
auto fn = [](auto&& component) -> void {
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<std::decay_t<decltype(component)>, Camera>) {
// do this...
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<std::decay_t<decltype(component)>, DirectionalLight>) {
// do that...
entityManager.applyForComponents<Camera, DirectionalLight>(entity, fn);
Enttx provides BaseSystem CRTP pattern to create new system.
class KinematicsSystem: public enttx::BaseSystem<KinematicsSystem>
// to let the system manager know type of components system is going to work with
using tag_t = mp::type_list<Acceleration, Velocity>;
void init() { }
template<typename EntityManager, size_t STAGE>
void update(EntityManager& entityManager)
if constexpr (STAGE == STAGES::EARLY_UPDATE) {
auto view = entityManager.template getView<Velocity, Acceleration>();
for (auto&& [entity, velocity, acceleration] : view) {
// do smth...
if constexpr (STAGE == STAGES::LATE_UPDATE) {
// do smth else...
SystemManager calls update sequentially stage by stage once a frame, system by system once a stage.
- to start updating for all systems, just call:
- to test if system manager has system that works with defined list of components:
if constexpr (SystemManager::template has_system_for_components_v<Velocity>) {
// do smth...
- to get the tuple of systems that works with defined list of components:
auto systems = systemManager.getSystemsForComponents<Acceleration, Velocity>();
- easy-mp - meta-programming library