If you have ruby and reveal-ck, you just do this script in your repository which you want to make slide in.
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/BIwashi/MySlides/master/setup.sh
sudo ./setup.sh
and type your new repository URL and Name
please type your new Repository URL and Name
ex.) https://github.com/(UserName)/(newRepository).git
ex.) newRepository
if you don't have ruby and reveal-ck, please install these.
$ sudo apt install ruby
$ sudo apt install ruby-dev
$ sudo gem install reveal-ck
theme: "night" #テーマ設定
transition: "page" #スライドの挙動設定
title: "My Presentation!" #スライドのタイトル。<title>に設定されます。
revealjs_config: #以下、reveal.js用の個別設定(厳密には上の、themeもtransitionもreveal.jsの設定です)
autoSlide: 5000
loop: true