The example of Banuba SDK and SDK integration to enable augmented reality filters in video calls for Unity.
- Get the client token for Banuba SDK. Please fill in our form on website, or contact us via
- Open the the project.
- Download and import the Agora SDK package from Unity Asset Store with Unity Package Manager. If it is not available, contact Agora Support
- Download and import the BanubaSDK-import.unitypackage
- Visit to sign up and get token, app and channel ID.
- Find the Assets/Resources/BanubaClientToken.txt and past your client token here.
- Open the scene VideoCallDemo/demo/MainScene.scene.
- Find the the VideoCanvas object in the scene and set AppID, Token, and your channel name in the properties of the DemoVideoCall script.
- Run the project in the Editor.
- For Android/Windows Standalone build you need to add Assets/BanubaFaceAR/BaseAssets/Scenes/LoaderScene and change property 'Scene' of SceneLoader.cs of Canvas entity to 'MainScene'
Minimum Unity Editor Version: 2019.3.10f1