A .NET library for scan any computational device and atmospheric environment.
Build the library with the command below:
dotnet pack
In case you want to create a new class library type the following command
dotnet new classlib
For more information, see dotnet new
Publish the .nupkg file to nuget.org using the dotnet nuget push
command with an API key that you obtain from nuget.org.
- Nuget.org checks all uploaded packages for viruses and rejects packages if it finds viruses. Nuget.org also scans all existing listed packages periodically.
- Packages published on nuget.org are publicly visible to other developers unless you unlist them. To host packages privately, see Host your own NuGet feeds.
Log in to your nuget.org account or create an account if you don't already have one.
Select the username in the upper-right corner, then select API Keys.
Select Create and provide a name for your key.
Under Select Scopes, select Push.
In Select Glob Default Packages, enter:
Select Create.
Select Copy to copy the new key.
- Always keep your API key secret. The API key is like a password that allows anyone to manage
on your behalf. Delete or regenerate your API key if it is accidentally revealed.
In the folder containing the .nupkg file, run the following command. Specify your *.nupkg file name and replace the key value with your API key.
dotnet nuget push BScan.0.1.0.Test.1.0.0.nupkg --api-key qz2jga8pl3dvn2akksyquwcs9ygggg4exypy3bhxy6w6x6 --source https://api.nuget.org/v3/index.json