Releases: Bartz24/FF13Randomizer
An alpha version of the rewrite of this randomizer is available at
This version includes new options like chapter select and role and crystarium stage randomization but may lack some options available in the version below.
1.9.0 Changelog:
-Added Equipment rando/plando
-Added price rando/plando
-Added the start of documentation for music, enemies (still WIP), treasures
-Added documentation
-Adjusted enemy element resistance rando to decrease weakness and increase normal chances
-Dirty Fighting Preset now includes element resistance rando
-Fixed treasure plando assigning rank to amount instead of random amount when amount not specified
-Allowed Unicorn Mart in shop order plando
-Enemy resistance flags no longer experimental
-Fixed crystarium plando error when many abilities are placed on 0 CP cost nodes
-Fixed plando with Unicorn Mart
-Fixed typos
-Old plandos now have typos fixed
-Reverted back to having all the dlls unpacked
-Removed requirement for X number of abilities, role levels, accessories, and atb levels from plando
-Fixed Daze, Death, and Dispel enemy resists in plando not working
Install Instructions:
Download and install 7zip (or an alterative extractor program). -
Download the FF13RandomizerX.X.X.7z file below under Assets and move to where you like (doesn't matter where)
Right click FF13RandomizerX.X.X.7z file, and go to 7-Zip -> Extract Files... and press OK
Open FF13RandomizerX.X.X folder located in the same place the FF13RandomizerX.X.X.7z file is
Read the readme, or just run the FF13Randomizer program
You should see a window like the following:
Since last pre-release:
-Add equipment rank rando/plando
-Add mark names to mission names
-Fix Noctilucale, Siltstone Ring typos
-Fix Daze, Death, and Dispel enemy resists in plando not working
-Fix false positive from anti-virus software
-Remove requirement for X number of abilities, role levels, accessories, and atb levels from plando
1.9.0 Changelog:
-Added Equipment rando/plando
-Added price rando/plando
-Added the start of documentation for music, enemies (still WIP), treasures
-Adjusted enemy element resistance rando to decrease weakness and increase normal chances
-Dirty Fighting Preset now includes element resistance rando
-Fixed crash when plando data is loaded
-Fixed treasure plando assigning rank to amount instead of random amount when amount not specified
-Allowed Unicorn Mart in shop order plando
-Adjusted Quick Stagger, Augment/Defense Maintence stats
-Fixed weapon stats not be very random
-Added Crystarium documentation
-Enemy resistance flags no longer experimental
-Fixed crystarium plando error when many abilities are placed on 0 CP cost nodes
-Fixed error during docs generation when music flag is off
-Fixed plando error with equipment passives
-Fix plando with Unicorn Mart
-Move docs generation to be last as it is not important
Install Instructions:
Download and install 7zip (or an alterative extractor program). -
Download the FF13RandomizerX.X.X.7z file below under Assets and move to where you like (doesn't matter where)
Right click FF13RandomizerX.X.X.7z file, and go to 7-Zip -> Extract Files... and press OK
Open FF13RandomizerX.X.X folder located in the same place the FF13RandomizerX.X.X.7z file is
Read the readme, or just run the FF13Randomizer program
You should see a window like the following:
Since last pre-release:
-Fix plando with Unicorn Mart
-Move docs generation to be last as it is not important
1.9.0 Changelog:
-Added Equipment rando/plando
-Added price rando/plando
-Added the start of documentation for music, enemies (still WIP), treasures
-Adjusted enemy element resistance rando to decrease weakness and increase normal chances
-Dirty Fighting Preset now includes element resistance rando
-Fixed crash when plando data is loaded
-Fixed treasure plando assigning rank to amount instead of random amount when amount not specified
-Allowed Unicorn Mart in shop order plando
-Adjusted Quick Stagger, Augment/Defense Maintence stats
-Fixed weapon stats not be very random
-Added Crystarium documentation
-Enemy resistance flags no longer experimental
-Fixed crystarium plando error when many abilities are placed on 0 CP cost nodes
-Fixed error during docs generation when music flag is off
-Fixed plando error with equipment passives
Install Instructions:
Download and install 7zip (or an alterative extractor program). -
Download the FF13RandomizerX.X.X.7z file below under Assets and move to where you like (doesn't matter where)
Right click FF13RandomizerX.X.X.7z file, and go to 7-Zip -> Extract Files... and press OK
Open FF13RandomizerX.X.X folder located in the same place the FF13RandomizerX.X.X.7z file is
Read the readme, or just run the FF13Randomizer program
You should see a window like the following:
Since last pre-release:
-Potential fix for a docs error
1.9.0 Changelog:
-Added Equipment rando/plando
-Added price rando/plando
-Added the start of documentation for music, enemies (still WIP), treasures
-Adjusted enemy element resistance rando to decrease weakness and increase normal chances
-Dirty Fighting Preset now includes element resistance rando
-Fixed crash when plando data is loaded
-Fixed treasure plando assigning rank to amount instead of random amount when amount not specified
-Allowed Unicorn Mart in shop order plando
-Adjusted Quick Stagger, Augment/Defense Maintence stats
-Fixed weapon stats not be very random
-Added Crystarium documentation
-Enemy resistance flags no longer experimental
-Fixed crystarium plando error when many abilities are placed on 0 CP cost nodes
-Fixed error during docs generation when music flag is off
-Fixed plando error with equipment passives
Install Instructions:
Download and install 7zip (or an alterative extractor program). -
Download the FF13RandomizerX.X.X.7z file below under Assets and move to where you like (doesn't matter where)
Right click FF13RandomizerX.X.X.7z file, and go to 7-Zip -> Extract Files... and press OK
Open FF13RandomizerX.X.X folder located in the same place the FF13RandomizerX.X.X.7z file is
Read the readme, or just run the FF13Randomizer program
You should see a window like the following:
1.9.0.Pre-5 Fixed
Since last pre-release:
-Fixed plando error with equipment passives
1.9.0 Changelog:
-Added Equipment rando/plando
-Added price rando/plando
-Added the start of documentation for music, enemies (still WIP), treasures
-Adjusted enemy element resistance rando to decrease weakness and increase normal chances
-Dirty Fighting Preset now includes element resistance rando
-Fixed crash when plando data is loaded
-Fixed treasure plando assigning rank to amount instead of random amount when amount not specified
-Allowed Unicorn Mart in shop order plando
-Adjusted Quick Stagger, Augment/Defense Maintence stats
-Fixed weapon stats not be very random
-Added Crystarium documentation
-Enemy resistance flags no longer experimental
-Fixed crystarium plando error when many abilities are placed on 0 CP cost nodes
-Fixed error during docs generation when music flag is off
Install Instructions:
Download and install 7zip (or an alterative extractor program). -
Download the FF13RandomizerX.X.X.7z file below under Assets and move to where you like (doesn't matter where)
Right click FF13RandomizerX.X.X.7z file, and go to 7-Zip -> Extract Files... and press OK
Open FF13RandomizerX.X.X folder located in the same place the FF13RandomizerX.X.X.7z file is
Read the readme, or just run the FF13Randomizer program
You should see a window like the following:
Since last pre-release:
-Fixed crystarium plando error when many abilities are placed on 0 CP cost nodes
-Fixed error during docs generation when music flag is off
1.9.0 Changelog:
-Added Equipment rando/plando
-Added price rando/plando
-Added the start of documentation for music, enemies (still WIP), treasures
-Adjusted enemy element resistance rando to decrease weakness and increase normal chances
-Dirty Fighting Preset now includes element resistance rando
-Fixed crash when plando data is loaded
-Fixed treasure plando assigning rank to amount instead of random amount when amount not specified
-Allowed Unicorn Mart in shop order plando
-Adjusted Quick Stagger, Augment/Defense Maintence stats
-Fixed weapon stats not be very random
-Added Crystarium documentation
-Enemy resistance flags no longer experimental
Install Instructions:
Download and install 7zip (or an alterative extractor program). -
Download the FF13RandomizerX.X.X.7z file below under Assets and move to where you like (doesn't matter where)
Right click FF13RandomizerX.X.X.7z file, and go to 7-Zip -> Extract Files... and press OK
Open FF13RandomizerX.X.X folder located in the same place the FF13RandomizerX.X.X.7z file is
Read the readme, or just run the FF13Randomizer program
You should see a window like the following:
Since last pre-release:
-Fixed treasure plando assigning rank to amount instead of random amount when amount not specified
-Allowed Unicorn Mart in shop order plando
-Adjusted Quick Stagger, Augment/Defense Maintence stats
-Fixed weapon stats not be very random
-Added Crystarium documentation
-Enemy resistance flags no longer experimental
1.9.0 Changelog:
-Added Equipment rando/plando
-Added price rando/plando
-Added the start of documentation for music, enemies (still WIP), treasures
-Adjusted enemy element resistance rando to decrease weakness and increase normal chances
-Dirty Fighting Preset now includes element resistance rando
-Fixed crash when plando data is loaded
Install Instructions:
Download and install 7zip (or an alterative extractor program). -
Download the FF13RandomizerX.X.X.7z file below under Assets and move to where you like (doesn't matter where)
Right click FF13RandomizerX.X.X.7z file, and go to 7-Zip -> Extract Files... and press OK
Open FF13RandomizerX.X.X folder located in the same place the FF13RandomizerX.X.X.7z file is
Read the readme, or just run the FF13Randomizer program
You should see a window like the following:
Since last pre-release:
-Fixed crash when plando data is loaded
1.9.0 Changelog:
-Added Equipment rando/plando
-Added price rando/plando
-Added the start of documentation for music, enemies (still WIP), treasures
-Adjusted enemy element resistance rando to decrease weakness and increase normal chances
-Dirty Fighting Preset now includes element resistance rando
Install Instructions:
Download and install 7zip (or an alterative extractor program). -
Download the FF13RandomizerX.X.X.7z file below and move to where you like (doesn't matter where)
Right click FF13RandomizerX.X.X.7z file, and go to 7-Zip -> Extract Files... and press OK
Open FF13RandomizerX.X.X folder located in the same place the FF13RandomizerX.X.X.7z file is
Read the readme, or just run the FF13Randomizer program
You should see a window like the following:
For some reason 1.9.0.Pre-2 is below this one. Check below for the latest pre-release.
-Added Equipment rando/plando
-Added price rando/plando
-Added the start of documentation for music, enemies (still WIP), treasures
-Adjusted enemy element resistance rando to decrease weakness and increase normal chances
-Dirty Fighting Preset now includes element resistance rando
Install Instructions:
Download and install 7zip (or an alterative extractor program). -
Download the FF13RandomizerX.X.X.7z file below and move to where you like (doesn't matter where)
Right click FF13RandomizerX.X.X.7z file, and go to 7-Zip -> Extract Files... and press OK
Open FF13RandomizerX.X.X folder located in the same place the FF13RandomizerX.X.X.7z file is
Read the readme, or just run the FF13Randomizer program
You should see a window like the following:
-Fixed IDs by switching Hermes Sandals with Zealot's Amulet and Sprint Shoes with Battle Talisman as these were incorrect.
-Mainly means you shouldn't see as many Haste accessories, and more Vigilance accessories compared to before.
-Plando is also updated to match this change, (nothing should break), but note that Mission 34 and 40 rewards have swapped as these were previously incorrect.
Install Instructions:
Download and install 7zip (or an alterative extractor program). -
Download the FF13RandomizerX.X.X.7z file below and move to where you like (doesn't matter where)
Right click FF13RandomizerX.X.X.7z file, and go to 7-Zip -> Extract Files... and press OK
Open FF13RandomizerX.X.X folder located in the same place the FF13RandomizerX.X.X.7z file is
Read the readme, or just run the FF13Randomizer program
You should see a window like the following: