Our goal is to keep this beginner friendly. This way beginners can read the code, contribute, work together to keep the website up, and understand how to work on a larger project together.
We will be using this Figma file for the design
To start, there are a few considerations.
- Download the repo
- Once downloaded, use npm install
- npm install --save-dev prettier
- The run the development server using npm run dev
- if you make any changes run npx prettier --write otherwise it will not pass the pipeline checks
This project will be using Next.js, React.js, Typescript, Appwrite, and Vanilla CSS.
For testing, we will be using React Testing Library and Jest
React Testing Library | Jest |
React Testing Library Docs | Jest Testing Docs |
Typescript will be a great addition so we do not end up breaking things that shouldn't be broken and catch errors earlier on in the development process.
To Contribute, Read the Contribution Guidelines. Contribution guidelines for this project