Code to Open and Get data from another file that can be used as an excel database This code assumes you have a "data" file somewhere in your system where the information is saved. The data file can be in any format, however it assumes you keep the headers equal in main and data file.
First use setup: Open the workbook and right click on "View Code" on any sheet Go to the "data" Module and change the following line to the file path of your database workbook: wbFullName = "C:\Users\data.xlsx"
Setting up a password for the workbook and making it Read Only: Go into the Variables_Functions Module and change the Password there to whateever you desire. In the Data Module uncomment any lines that are related to Passwords
Buttons to get data are in "Helper" sheet I can also provide a custom made form to add data to the file, please contact me.
The code is open for anyone to use as long as you don't try to sell it. Also if you have any questions or comments let me know.