I developed this website as part of a project 4 in Code Academy Berlin. The app motivates users to take care of trees in the city with a possitive impact to our planet.
The app was developed with MERN stack (MongoDB, Express.js, React and Node.js). The back-end interacts with a React front-end thought APIs of my own, providing the app with key features while ensuring the security of the exchanges using web tokens and access management rules (CRUD).
Key features:
- Access to public feed without login.
- Login and register.
- Upload trees to adopt, including information such as name, type (with help of provided information), description, location, and upload photos.
- Share the adopted tree with other users and interect using comments and likes.
- Upload more photos and progress of your tree.
- Modify profile information such as username or email.
- Delete comments, adopted trees and profile.
Anyone can use it to take care of the trees around the city.