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Make your OpenStacks Collaborative

This PoC aims at making several independent OpenStack clouds collaborative. The main idea consists in extending the OpenStack CLI to define the collaboration process. A dedicated option, called --os-scope, specifies which services (e.g., compute, image, identity, …) of which OpenStack cloud (e.g., CloudOne, CloudTwo, …) an OpenStack is made of to perform the CLI request. For instance, the provisioning of a VM in CloudOne with an image in CloudTwo looks like as follows:

openstack server create my-vm --flavor m1.tiny --image cirros \
  --os-scope '{"compute": "CloudOne", "image": "CloudTwo"}'

This approach enables the segregation of the infrastructure into distinct areas. It removes the relying on a single control plane and thus, resolves network partitioning and scalability challenges in most cases.

To get more insight, read the how it works section or try it by yourself.

Table of Contents

Try it

Get the code with a git clone.
git clone --recurse-submodules -b stable/rocky --depth 1

Then starts the two OpenStack clouds (require tmux v2 and Vagrant v2.2 – if you don’t want to use tmux, refer to the setup section).

cd openstackoid; ./

The previous command starts two tmux windows and launches two OpenStack clouds, each in a virtual machine, thanks to Vagrant. After 15 to 20 minutes, the time for Devstack to deploy the two OpenStack clouds, the output may look like the following. The top window connects to OpenStack CloudOne and the bottom one to CloudTwo. These two clouds are completely independent and shared no services.


From there you can issue a standard openstack command, such as openstack image list. Note the difference of ID.

stack@CloudOne:~$ openstack image list
| ID                                   | Name                     | Status |
| 440263d5-20a7-432b-b0db-693787bd2579 | cirros-0.3.5-x86_64-disk | active |
stack@CloudTwo:~$ openstack image list
| ID                                   | Name                     | Status |
| 45da7b62-163c-4c78-aac7-363cbf4627a4 | cirros-0.3.5-x86_64-disk | active |

Moreover, you can use the --os-scope option that tells OpenStack of a specific cloud to do something by using a service from another cloud. For example, you can tell to the CloudOne to start a VM by using the image service from CloudTwo. In the scope, a service is implicitly bound to the local cloud, which prevents to explicitly specify all services. Note the ID of image at the end that comes from CloudTwo.

stack@CloudOne:~$ openstack server create my-vm \
  --os-scope '{"image": "CloudTwo"}' \
  --image  cirros-0.3.5-x86_64-disk \
  --flavor m1.tiny \
| Field                               | Value                                                           |
| OS-DCF:diskConfig                   | MANUAL                                                          |
| ...                                 | ...                                                             |
| image                               | cirros-0.3.5-x86_64-disk (45da7b62-163c-4c78-aac7-363cbf4627a4) |
| name                                | my-vm                                                           |
| ...                                 | ...                                                             |
| status                              | ACTIVE                                                          |
| user_id                             | 2d9440f8a4d546c88d1f5b661dc6e69b                                |
stack@CloudTwo:~$ openstack image list
| ID                                   | Name                     | Status |
| 45da7b62-163c-4c78-aac7-363cbf4627a4 | cirros-0.3.5-x86_64-disk | active |


See misc/ for other examples.


  • Same project, domain id for non-public resources
  • Same keystone credential
  • Resource of another cloud should be accessible from the first one (e.g., image is OK, flat network is NOK unless the two clouds share the same infra).

How it works

HAProxy rules the flow

In brief, every OpenStack cloud comes with a proxy (here HAProxy) in front of it. In such deployment, a service (e.g., Glance API of CloudOne) is available via two addresses:

  • The Backend address (i.e., that directly targets Glance API.
  • The Frontend address (i.e., that targets HAProxy. HAProxy then evaluates the request and, in most cases, forwards it to the Backend.

Here, we add HAProxy the capability to interprets the --os-scope. Instead of forwarding the request to the local Backend, HAProxy determines the cloud of the targeted service from the scope and URL. It then forwards the request to the local Backend only if the current cloud is equivalent to the determined one. Otherwise, it forwards the request to the Frontend of the determined cloud.

As an example, here is a sample of the HAProxy configuration on CloudOne for the image service.

listen http-proxy
  bind           # (ref:local-front)
  http-request del-header X-Forwarded-Proto if { ssl_fc }
  use_backend %[lua.interpret_scope]  # (ref:lua-scope)

# Target concrete backend
backend CloudOne_image_public
  server CloudOne check inter 2000 rise 2 fall 5 # (ref:local-back)

# Target HA of OS cloud named CloudTwo
backend CloudTwo_image_public
  http-request set-header Host
  server CloudTwo check inter 2000 rise 2 fall 5 # (ref:remote-front)

# Do the same for compute, identity, ...

The lua.interpret_scope line (lua-scope) is a Lua script that determines the name of the backend based on the --os-scope '{"image": "CloudTwo"} and URL of the targeted service. From there, it forwards the request whether to the local Backend (l. (local-back)) or Frontend of the remote cloud (l. (remote-front)).

Generating the HAProxy configuration file

Based on a short description list of all services (see lst. lst:services-desc), it is easy to generate the HAProxy configuration file automatically. The description list, on the other hand, partially comes with the next OpenStack command. The addresses of the Frontend and Backend for all services still have to be added.
openstack endpoint list --format json \
  -c "Service Type" -c "Interface" -c "URL" -c "Region"
{ "services" :
      "Service Type": "image",
      "Interface": "public",
      "URL": "",
      "Region": "CloudOne",
      "Frontend": "",
      "Backend": ""
      "Service Type": "image",
      "Interface": "public",
      "URL": "",
      "Region": "CloudTwo",
      "Frontend": "",
      "Backend": ""

Scope should follow the workflow

HAProxy determines from the --os-scope the address of the targeted service. Which means, the scope has to be defined for every request and subsequent requests. For instance, when Alice does an openstack server create --os-scope ..., the value of the --os-scope should not only be attached to the initial POST /servers request made by the CLI. But also, to all subsequent requests of the workflow, including Nova request to Keystone to check Alice credentials, Nova request to Glance to check/get the image. Glance request to Keystone to check Alice credentials … and so on.

A first solution is to modify the OpenStack code of all services to ensure that, e.g., when Alice contacts Nova with a specific --os-scope, then Nova propagates that --os-scope in the subsequent requests. However, in OpenStackoïd, we want to avoid as much as possible modifications to the vanilla code.

Another naive implementation would try to implement the scope propagation at HAProxy level – and keep OpenStack code as it is. Unfortunately, this doesn’t work since HAProxy is unlikely to figure out that, e.g., the current request from Nova to Glance comes from a previous request from Alice to Nova with a specific --os-scope.

Luckily, every OpenStack service already propagates information from one service to another during the entire workflow of a command: the Keystone X-Auth-Token that contains Alice credentials. Here we reuse that information to piggyback the --os-scope. Then, HAProxy seeks for the X-Auth-Token, extracts the scope and finally interprets it to forwards the request to the good cloud.

Rest client instance variable in Keystonemiddleware



The setup is made of, but not limited to, two distinct VirtualBox VMs with an All-in-One OpenStack inside each. The script starts two tmux windows and runs vagrant inside each window. Vagrant is in charge of deploying the All-in-One OpenStack and then configuring OpenStack to interpret the --os-scope.

The Vagrantfile contains the description of the two All-in-One OpenStack at its top (see os_clouds). The :name refers to the name of the cloud, :ip to the Frontend address (has to be accessible by other clouds), and :ssh to the port used by Vagrant for SSH connections. Doing a vagrant up reads that configuration and starts two Ubuntu/16.04 VMs with these characteristics. Adding a third entry in os_clouds and running vagrant up again will start a third All-in-One OpenStack.

os_clouds = [
    :name => "CloudOne",
    :ip => "",
    :ssh => 2141
    :name => "CloudTwo",
    :ip => "",
    :ssh => 2142

It is also possible to start only one OpenStack cloud by giving its name after the vagrant up. For instance, the following command only starts and configures the CloudOne.

vagrant up CloudOne

Provisioning OpenStack with Devstack

A vagrant up <CloudName>, on its first run, automatically deploys OpenStack with Devstack and then configures it for the --os-scope. But, it is possible to only run the deployment of Devstack with the following commands.

vagrant up <CloudName> --no-provision
vagrant provision <CloudName> --provision-with devstack

The --provision-with devstack refers to the Ansible playbooks/devstack.yml playbook. In brief, this playbook:

  1. Adds a stack user.
  2. Clones Devstack stable/rocky.
  3. Generates a local.conf.
  4. Runs Devstack deployment.

If something goes wrong during the execution of this playbook, everything is OK. Simply rerun the vagrant provision <CloudName> --provision-with devstack, since Ansible playbooks are idempotent.

Provisioning the scope interpretation

In the same manner of the previous section, it is also possible to only run the configurations of one OpenStack cloud to interpret the --os-scope with the next command.

vagrant provision <CloudName> --provision-with os-scope

The --provision-with os-scope refers to the Ansible playbooks/os-scope.yml playbook. In brief, this playbook:

  1. Computes the list of services as explained in the “How it works” (see, Generating the HAProxy configuration file).
  2. Uses that list to generate the HAProxy configuration file, and then deploys HAProxy.
  3. Installs a new plugin for python-openstackclient that adds the --os-scope in the CLI.
  4. Workaround the rest client instance variable in Keystonemiddleware (see, Rest client instance variable in Keystonemiddleware).
  5. Ensures that HTTP requests of OpenStack services go through the proxy (on that particular point, read the next section).

If something goes wrong during the execution of this playbook, everything is OK. Simply rerun the vagrant provision <CloudName> --provision-with os-scope, since Ansible playbooks are idempotent.

[HACK] tag in the code

Devstack doesn’t provide HAProxy deployment by default and we want to avoid the modification of Devstack – or any other OpenStack services – as much as possible. Thus, we deployed HAProxy after Devstack and then ensure each request to OpenStack goes through the proxy thanks to the HTTP_PROXY environment variable. This is referenced in the current code with the [HACK] tag. In a real-world deployment (à la Kolla), services are already hidden behind HAProxy and code marked with the [HACK] tag should be removed.

Project structure

├── keystonemiddleware@...        Fork of k-middleware
│   └── ...
├── misc                          Miscellaneous
│   ├──               - OS CLI examples with the --os-scope
│   └── ...
├── playbooks                     List of provisioning playbooks
│   ├── devstack.yml              - Devstack provisioning
│   ├── os-scope.yml              - OpenStackoïd provisioning
│   └── haproxy                   - HAProxy conf files for OpenStackoïd
├── python-openstackoidclient     OpenStackoïd CLI plugin
│   └── ...
├──                  Tmux setup script
└── Vagrantfile                   Vagrant conf that setups the 2 OS


We would like to thanks members of the OpenStack community, and especially members of the OpenStack Berlin Hackathon (team 5) which have laid some of the initial foundation for this work:


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