##Getting and Cleaning Data Project
The purpose of this project is to collect, clean and work with a data set and finally prepare a tidy data which can be used for later analysis.
###run_analysis.R This is the R script developed as per the instructions given. Further details about the scripts are provided in CodeBook.md file.
###Data Folder This folder contains all the given data sets. For more details on the data set, please refer to README.txt file in Data folder.
###tidyDataSetAvg This is the final output file, which is generated as per the given insturctions.
###Working with the script To execute the script, you have follow the same directory structure as in the github, just clone everything and you are ready to run. Of-course you need to set the working directory.
I have used reshape2 library, you need to install that package if you have not done it already, using install.pakages("reshape2")