An [almost?] fully-complete archive of the code that I've written for school over the years.
*work in progress - still working on cleaning up files/folders & writing descriptions for each project!
TODO: write descriptions for 140
The first programming class I ever took.
Contents include iterative revisions of a program lovingly known as the "payroll reporter."
[grouped with partners for some assignments]
challenges - group project: various challenges listed in the book, mostly small calculators
examples include: calculate amount of slices in a pizza, monthly interest calculator,
calorie calculator, monthly payments to pay off loans, box office profit calculator
(22 applets in total)
rainfall - collects statistics about monthly rainfall
average rainfall, total rainfall, least rainfall, most rainfall
temperature [group] - a temperature converter
DigitsInStrings - sums the single-digit numbers occurring in a string
FinalFix[1|2] - assignment was to fix the bugs in given programs (included for completeness)
PassByReference - small program to demonstrate output via passing an address
PayrollReporter - the good ol' payroll reporter! [see: cisp 301]
QuarterlySales - quarterly sales calculator a business with various divisions
Fairly sloppy assembly code. Very fun class, though!
10mult - input two numbers of up to ten digits each, outputs the product
anim - the final project was to create an animation
my animation features a cow grazing in a pasture.. when trouble strikes!
bubsort - fills up an array with random numbers and runs a bubblesort on it
celsius2farenheit - a simple temperature converter
encode -
decode -
dow - enter a date & the program will tell you what day of the week it lands on, taking into account leap years.
fibonacci - calculates the nth fibonacci number, up to 72-digit numbers. detects overflow.
marb [marbles] - marbles experiment
ends up generating primes
ulam - ulam/collatz conjecture
Coming soon!
Taught by the same professor as 301, this course took an iterative approach on a dictionary application.
A2: implementation of a sequence
A3: implementation of a sequence using a linked list
A4: implementation of a priority queue using a linked list
A5: a permutation-generating class which permutes a string
FINAL: code written for final exam ?, circular array
permutations: shows all permutations or combinations of an entered number
craps: statistical analysis of the game of craps
3card: statistical analysis of the Three Card problem (aka the Monty Hall problem) - takes samples using various strategies and reports the win rate
graph: checks if two graphs are isomorphic - if so, display the bijection
**You are to implement two caches for a simulated RAM that has 16-bit addresses, and is byte addressable. Both caches will have block sizes of 8 bytes, and a total capacity of 512 bytes.**
See pdf for more details on this assignment!
dmcache: a simulation of a directly-mapped cache
sacache: a simulation of a four-way set associative cache
vm: a virtual memory page replacement simulator
Coming soon!
[java, lisp, prolog]
todo: write descriptions
substitution_solver: cracks a substitution cipher using the
frequencies of two-letter pairs occurring
in a corupus text (in this case, we used
the novel "War and Peace")
rc4_bias: demonstrates how the rc4 stream cipher has a bias in that
the second byte that it outputs is approximately twice as
likely to be 0 than any other value.