I am a 4th-year Computer Science and Engineering undergraduate student. I'm involved in ACM Competitive Programming and have competed in over 70 online and onsite programming competitions. I've solved over 500 problems in various online judges such as Codeforces, Codechef, LightOj, and others.
I have a piece of good knowledge of the MERN Stack. As a web developer, it was my first full-stack learning but with the use of my problem-solving skills, the learning process was so smooth and easy.
I had to learn Flutter Framework for my 3rd year of Project Defense. It was a burden at first because I had to move from web development to mobile app development. But now with time, it feels more my thing than web development and I am continuing my journey with flutter.
- 📫 How to reach me: bilas8642@gmail.com
- 📫 My Portfolio: https://bilas-halder.web.app/