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Article Images

Andy Byers edited this page Sep 13, 2017 · 3 revisions

The article images manager allows you to upload three images for each article to improve their display:

  1. Large Image File
  • This image must be landscape - Janeway will attempt to crop and resize this file but for best results it should be larger than 750px by 324px (aspect ratio of 125:54). This image is used when the article is appearing in the Carousel and across the top of the article page.
  1. Thumbnail
  • The only constraint on this file is that it should be square (best at 100px x 100px), it is used in article listing instanced (Articles and Issue listing) and is displayed next to the text of the article.
  1. Meta Image
  • There are no constraints on this image, it is used when sharing a page with Twitter and Facebook for previews.

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