A PocketMine-MP portal plugin.
How to create a portal:
- /portal pos1, then break the first position
- /portal pos2, then break the second position
- Go to where you want the destination of the portal to be, and do /portal create portalName
- If you want to fill the portal with a block (for example water), do /portal fill portalName blockId (the id must be numeric)
- /portal pos1
- /portal pos2
- /portal create portalName
- /portal list: see the name of the created portals
- /portal delete portalName: deletes a portal
- /portal fill portalName blockId: fill a portal with a block
- portal.admin: access to the main command
#Choose how the plugin detects players movement: use "event" to use PlayerMoveEvent or "task" to use a repeating task
#Best choice may be "event"
movement-detection: "event"
#Task time in seconds (only matters when "task" is selected in the previous field)
task-time: 3
#Automatically loads worlds if they are not loaded when a player enters a portal (true or false)
auto-load: true
#If you set this to true, the plugin will check if the player has the right permission to use the portal
#For example, if a player enters the portal "survival", he will be teleported only if he has the permission "portal.survival" (you can use a permission manager like PurePerms)
#Otherwise, if this is false, every player can use every portal
permission-mode: false
#Language for players messages
message-error: "The destination of this portal is in a world that does not exixts or is not loaded"
message-tp: "You have entered the portal"
message-no-perm: "You do not have permission to use this portal"