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ios Clock app clone

Platform iOS Android
Demo iOS version Android version
Video Youtube link Youtube link

Clone project to your computer

Following these steps

git clone
cd Clock
npm install
npm install --save-dev eslint-config-rallycoding
react-native run-ios (or react-native run-android)

Instantly releasing App (Without App/Play Store)

Smarter app version management

You have to install code-push-cli before start (npm install -g code-push-cli)

    yarn add react-native-code-push (or npm install --save react-native-code-push)
    code-push app add clock-android (We will have 2 key Staging is for testing purposes, Production is for publish purposes)
    code-push app add clock-ios (We will have 2 key Staging is for testing purposes, Production is for publish purposes)
    react-native link (follow the command and enter key above)
2) Setup code-push inside your react-native app:

Solution for BUILD FAILED CodePush.h not found

//Example App.js

import CodePush from 'react-native-code-push';

class App extends Component {
    componentDidMount() {
            updateDialog: true,
            installMode: CodePush.InstallMode.IMMEDIATE

    render() {
            <Text>Welcome to React Native Code Push</Text>

3) Releasing app

2 options to release an app (mandatory and optional):

Important: By default, we releasing Staging app, then if everything OK, we promote to the Production (That why when you add new code-push app, we have 2 different key Staging/Production)

3.1) Mandatory mode: Youtube guide
  • Update immediately. (No way to ignore this update)
  • Very useful in urgent case. (IE: security, payment etc...)
    code-push release-react clock-android android -m --description "This is a mandatory release for Android platform, in Staging environment"
    code-push release-react clock-ios ios -m --description "This is a mandatory release for iOS platform, in Staging environment"
3.2) Optional mode: Youtube guide
  • Client can install update later (not required).
    code-push release-react clock-android android --description "This is a optional release for Android platform and can be ignored by client, in Staging environment"
    code-push release-react clock-ios ios --description "This is a optional release for iOS platform and can be ignored by client, in Staging environment"
3.3) Promote release to Production environment:
  • If Staging release are fine (verify that staging/beta works as expected), do promote to Production environment
  • If the release not works as expected, we can go to step 3.4 to rollback
  • Why doing this?
    • Staging with staging key are for our development devices (testing purposes)
    • Production with production key are for public devices (published app to App/Play Store)
    code-push promote clock-android Staging Production
    code-push promote clock-ios Staging Production
3.4) Rollback release: Youtube guide

Sometime we got bad release, then we can roll it back to previous one

    // This will rollback to previous Staging release
    code-push rollback clock-android Staging
    code-push rollback clock-ios Staging

    // This will rollback to previous Production release
    code-push rollback clock-android Production
    code-push rollback clock-android Production

After rollback, we can go to step 4 to view deployment histories

4) View deployment histories:

Statistic board

    // Check Staging update history
    code-push deployment history clock-android Staging
    code-push deployment history clock-ios Staging

    // Check Production update history
    code-push deployment history clock-android Production
    code-push deployment history clock-ios Production


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