Do you want single code base for both android and ios application? Here you are.
If you find it useful, give me a GitHub star, please.
In this template, you will see ...
- Expo framework ( New Architecture )
- json-server ( For testing API )
- Redux toolkit
- createSlice & createAsyncThunk
- createSlice & createAsyncThunk & createEntityAdapter
- RTK query
- createApi
- createApi & createEntityAdapter
- React query ( I'll add soon. )
- FlashList ( @shopify ) ( I'll add soon. )
- React context
- expo secure store
- react hook form
- Authentication ( Access token & Refresh token )
- Custom Font
- IconSymbol ( SF Symbols )
- Dark mode
- Rest api client
- graphql client ( Apollo client )
- Retry mechanism for fetching api etc.
Nest JS for REST Api
Nest JS + Prisma ORM - REST api
Nest JS for Graphql Api
Nest JS + Prisma ORM - Graphql api
Node Express JS For REST Api
Express + Prisma ORM + mongodb - rest api
Express + Prisma ORM + SQL - rest api
Express + mongodb - rest api
Express + mongoose ODM - rest api
Express + sequelize ORM - rest api
Node Express JS For Graphql Api
Apollo server + Prisma ORM + SDL modulerized - graphql api
Express + Prisma ORM + graphql js SDL modulerized - graphql api
Express + Apollo server + mongoose - graphql api
Express + graphql js + mongoose - graphql api
Express + graphql js + sequelize ORM - graphql api
Mobile Application Development
React Native Expo - Now you are here
( Now I'm on the way of these two Starter Kits. Stay tuned, please. )
Setting up your environment is not required if you're using a Framework. With Expo Framework, you don't need to setup Android Studio or XCode as a Framework will take care of building the native app for you.
If you have constraints that prevent you from using a Framework, or you'd like to write your own Framework, then setting up your local environment is a requirement. After your environment is set up, learn how to get started without a framework.
But my recommendation is that you should set up if possible. Then you can build your app using not only eas-build but also xcode or android studio.
See here to learn how to deploy.
First of all, you should clone it from my github.
git clone
cd react-native-expo
rm -rf .git
npm install
npm start
Now, you can start your project by running:
Open new terminal in vscode and Run json-server for API
npx json-server json-server-to-test-api/db.json --port 8080
And then you can run metro bundler for expo app
npx expo start
You can upgrade latest version if expo is outdated. Read more
npm install expo@latest
npx expo install --fix
To view your app on a mobile device, we recommend starting with Expo Go. As your application grows in complexity and you need more control, you can create a development build.
Open the project in a web browser by pressing w in the Terminal UI. Press a for Android (Android Studio is required), or i for iOS (macOS with Xcode is required).
Or you can create a new expo app by running:
npx create-expo-app@latest
And then you can copy files or codes in my Starter Kits. Don't forget to install packages manually.
If you are a burmese developer, you should watch my explanation video on YouTube Here. I promise new features will come in the future if I have much time.
If you have something hard to solve,
npx json-server json-server-to-test-api/db.json --port 8080
I will add again. Please wait.
I will add again. Please wait.
If you need a graphql api server to test, I provided the whole Starter Kits. See above My Kits For Graphql Api