Botfuel-dialog command line utility.
npm install -g botfuel-cli
fuel new my-new-bot
fuel generate <command>
fuel generate view <name>
fuel generate dialog <name> [entities..] [--type=]
Generating dialog <name> of type [type] with [entities]
--type Dialog type (void, base, default, qna,
confirmation) [default: "default"]
fuel generate dialog travel destination:city pilot:forename --type=prompt
The intent generation with :
- generate the dialog file
- generate the view file
- call the botfuel API to create the intent in the trainer
fuel generate intent <name>
fuel g config <name> [options]
Generate config <name>
--adapter Adapter to use (test, botfuel, shell, messenger ...)
[default: "shell"]
--brain Brain to use (memory, mongo)
--locale Locale to use (en, fr, en)
--logger Logger to use (debug, info, error)
--modules List of modules used (botfuel-module-facetedsearch, ...)
fuel g c botfuel --adapter=botfuel --brain=mongo --locale=en --logger=info --modules="foo bar"
fuel serve <config>
fuel generate config webchat --adapter=botfuel --loger=debug
fuel serve webchat
fuel test