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Model to Component Mapper

Blazor model to component mapper. Maps a class to a blazor component. The component must have a parameter that accepts the model. This can allow an application to be completely data driven.


@page "/"

<ModelView Source="FakeDataSource.BlogItems" />


alt text

Input data source:


public static class FakeDataSource
    public static readonly IReadOnlyList<object> BlogItems = new object[]
        new Heading { Content = "Hello World!", Level= HeadingLevel.One , InputAttributes = new Dictionary<string, object>() { { "class", "text-info" } } },
        new Division { Content = new object[] 
            new Paragraph { Content = "Welcome to my demonstration" },
            new Paragraph { Content = "All these items are being rendered based on their data type and order from an enumerable object source" }
        } },
        new ImageSource { DisplayHeight = 259, DisplayWidth = 241, Source = imageData, InputAttributes = new Dictionary<string, object>() { { "class", "shadow-lg p-3 mb-5 bg-white rounded" } }  },
        new Paragraph { Content = "Pretty cool, huh?" },
        new Anchor { Content = "Brian Parker", Href = "" },
        new Break { },
        new Markup { RawHtml = stackFlare }

    public static readonly IReadOnlyList<object> NavItems = new object[]
        new NavItem { Text = "Home", Icon ="oi oi-home" , Href ="" , NavLinkMatch = NavLinkMatch.All },
        new NavItem { Text = "By Mark-up", Icon ="oi oi-code" , Href ="byLayout" },
        new NavItem { Text = "By Code", Icon ="oi oi-excerpt" , Href ="byCode" },
        new NavItem { Text = "Non Enumerable", Icon ="oi oi-image" , Href ="nonEnumerable" },
        new NavItem { Text = "Standard Component", Icon ="oi oi-image" , Href ="standardComponent" },
        new NavItem { Text = "Registration Error", Icon ="oi oi-bug" , Href ="registrationError" },

    public const string imageData = "data:image/jpeg; base64, ...";
    public const string stackFlare = "<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"><img src=\"\" width=\"208\" height=\"58\" alt=\"profile for Brian Parker at Stack Overflow, Q & A for professional and enthusiast programmers\" title=\"profile for Brian Parker at Stack Overflow, Q & A for professional and enthusiast programmers\"></a>";


The data source Source does not have to be enumerable.

<ModelView Source="ImageSource" />

@code {
    ImageSource ImageSource = new ImageSource { Source = FakeDataSource.imageData, DisplayHeight = 259, DisplayWidth = 241 };

Example Component


<li class="nav-item px-3">
    <NavLink class="nav-link" href="@NavItem.Href" Match="@NavItem.NavLinkMatch">
        <span class="@NavItem.Icon" aria-hidden="true"></span> @NavItem.Text

@code {
    public NavItem NavItem { get; set; }


This is overkill for only one model type it is just an example of view registration using mark-up within a .razor component.

<ModelView Source="DataSource.NavItems">
    <ViewRegistration TModel="NavItem" TComponent="NavItemView" PropertyName="NavItem" />

The library provides a base component

ViewComponentBase that can be inherited instead of ComponentBase . This is a convenient way of implementing the required property with the parameter name Model .

@inherits ViewComponentBase<NavItem>
<li class="nav-item px-3">
    <NavLink class="nav-link" href="@Model.Href" Match="@Model.NavLinkMatch">
        <span class="@Model.Icon" aria-hidden="true"></span> @Model.Text


<ModelView Source="DataSource.NavItems">
    <ViewRegistration TModel="NavItem" TComponent="NavItemView" />

Note: PropertyName is defaulted to "Model". It does not have to be declared when using ViewComponentBase

You can register all your components in program.cs. These become the default components. Any components defined within the <ModelView> mark-up override the default components. In program.cs

    public class Program
        public static async Task Main(string[] args)



        private static void ConfigureDefaultViewModelSelector(WebAssemblyHostBuilder builder)
            ViewModelComponentSelector viewModelComponentSelector = new ViewModelComponentSelector();
            viewModelComponentSelector.RegisterView<NavItem, NavItemView>();
            builder.Services.AddScoped<IViewSelector>(sp => viewModelComponentSelector);

The previous example could then become:

<ModelView Source="DataSource.NavItems" />


Blazor Model to Component Mapper






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