Bitfinex module for Polybar. It shows your total Bitfinex deposit in dollars.
- NodeJS 8.x.x
- polybar
git clone
cd bitfinex-polybar
# Edit Keys. Get API keys from your Bitfinex Account
mv keys.json.template keys.json
vi keys.json
# Download NodeJS dependencies
npm install
# Install files
cat config >> $HOME/.config/polybar/config
cp package.json $HOME/.config/polybar/
cp index.js $HOME/.config/polybar/wallet-sum.js
cp -rf node_modules $HOME/.config/polybar/
cp -rf keys.json $HOME/.config/polybar/
Reload the polybar ($MOD + SHIFT + R).
If you want to run it after the installation,
do not forget to run cd $HOME/.config/polybar
Otherwise, if you want to run it inside the
development environment, only run the
following command. Do not forget to
edit the keys.json
node index.js