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Project solutions repository for Harvard's CS50AI course.

Before take a look at the solutions check Academic Honesty.

For more info about the course check CS50’s Introduction to Artificial Intelligence with Python.



  • Search

    • Degrees : A software that unveils the precise number of "degrees of separation" between two actors by leveraging the vast IMDb database.

    • Tic Tac Toe: Classic tic tac toe game that powered by minimax algorithm. AI always calculates the best move. There is no way to beat it.


  • Knowledge

    • Knights: A program that solves the "Knights and Knaves" puzzles using logical statements.

    • Minesweeper: Minesweeper game with helps of artificial intelligence. When clicks on AI move, AI calculates the best move and plays it. If there is no computable move then AI makes a random move.


  • Uncertainty

    • Pagerank: Calculates the webpages' ranks using Google's PageRank algorithm

    • Heredity: The AI program that checks the probability of occurrence of a specific gene in children.

  • Optimization

    • Crossword: AI that can generates crossword puzzles.


  • Learning

    • Shopping: An AI to predict whether online shopping customers will complete a purchase.

    • Nim: An AI that teaches itself to play Nim through reinforcement learning.

  • Neural Networks

    • Traffic: An AI to identify which traffic sign appears in a photograph using neural networks and supervised learning.


  • Language

    • Parser: An example program of Natural Language Processing (NLP). This is an AI designed to parse sentences and extract noun phrases.


    • Questions: An AI to answer questions. If you have specific questions about a subject, load the necessary files into this AI and start asking what you wonder.


    • Attention: An AI to predict a masked word in a text sequence using BERT.