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Display Handlers

commy2 edited this page May 17, 2016 · 1 revision

Display Handlers

What are CBA Display Handlers?

Display Handlers are normal user interface event handlers added to the "RscDisplayMission" display (or commonly known as findDisplay 46). This framework handles all quirks adding for example "keyDown" events has in savegames, restarted games and removes the necessity of waitUntil {!isNull findDisplay 46} loops (and worse).

Adding and removing Display Handlers

Dislay Handlers are added via CBA_fnc_addDisplayHandler and removed via CBA_fnc_removeDisplayHandler by ID.

Available user interface events

A full list of all available events can be found here. Remember to remove the "on" tag.


["MouseMoving", { systemChat str _this; }] call CBA_fnc_addDisplayHandler;