CardioRVAR is a tool developed by Alvaro Chao-Ecija (intern student at the Department of Physiology and the Autonomic Nervous System Unit at CIMES, University of Malaga) and PhD. Marc Stefan Dawid-Milner (head of the unit and supervisor of the project). The functions provided by this R package allow the analysis of closed-loop cardiovascular interactions.
To install the package, use the following code line in R (package remotes is required):
remotes::install_github("CIMES-USNA-UMA/CardioRVAR", build_vignettes = TRUE)
There is a complementary shiny application available for this package. To access it, you can either install it and access it using the following commands (you may need to install package shiny separately):
remotes::install_github("CIMES-USNA-UMA/CardioRVARapp", build_vignettes = TRUE)
Or if you prefer use the following code line (you may need to install shiny, ggplot2 and CardioRVAR):
shiny::runGitHub("CardioRVARapp", "CIMES-USNA-UMA", subdir = "inst/app", launch.browser = TRUE)
A tutorial for this package is available as a vignette. To access the tutorial vignette, first ensure that packages knitr and rmarkdown are installed:
Then, install package CardioRVAR as described above (with the option to build vignettes turned on as described). Then, you can use the following commands to access the tutorial:
# Or alternatively:
vignette("CardioRVAR-Tutorial", package = "CardioRVAR")
This will show the vignette in the help section of RStudio. If you want to access the HTML version, use the following command:
An access for the vignette CardioRVAR Tutorial will be shown. To see the vignette, click on HTML.
To access information about a particular function, use ? next to the function you wish to check. For example, the following expression is used to access the "help" guide for function GetExpectedValues():
To access a general description of the package, use the following command:
To cite CardioRVAR, use the following citation information:
#>To cite package ‘CardioRVAR’ in publications use:
#> Chao-Ecija, A.; Lopez-Gonzalez, M.V.; Dawid-Milner, M.S. CardioRVAR: A New R
#> Package and Shiny Application for the Evaluation of Closed-Loop Cardiovascular
#> Interactions. Biology 2023, 12, 1438.
#>A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is
#> @Article{biology12111438,
#> title = {CardioRVAR: A New R Package and Shiny Application for the Evaluation of Closed-Loop Cardiovascular Interactions},
#> author = {Alvaro Chao-Ecija and Manuel Victor Lopez-Gonzalez and Marc Stefan Dawid-Milner},
#> journal = {Biology},
#> year = {2023},
#> volume = {12},
#> number = {11},
#> pages = {1438},
#> doi = {},
#> url = {},
#> issn = {2079-7737},
#> }
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