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git clone
cd CKX_Swap
npm install

Step 1. build canisters

#### Make sure you not use anonymous identity  ###
dfx identity list
dfx identity use default

dfx start
### open new terminal
# dfx deps pull
# dfx deps init --argument '(null)' internet-identity
# dfx deps deploy

# mops install
dfx deploy internet_identity --no-wallet
dfx canister create --all
dfx build

Step 2. deploy all canisters

### Deploy 2 example demo tokens
  dfx deploy token0 --argument '( record {
      name = "Chain-key Bitcoin";
      symbol = "ckBTC";
      decimals = 18;
      fee = 0;
      max_supply = 1000_000_000_000_000_000_000_000;
      initial_balances = vec {
          record {
              record {
                  owner = principal "ln6uo-kltso-5nnoy-vpx3t-5gssy-m4ub5-bk4op-tiey6-ceb65-jklgn-4ae";
                  subaccount = null;
      min_burn_amount = 0;
      minting_account = null;
      advanced_settings = null;
  })' --network ic --with-cycles 1000000000

  dfx deploy token1 --argument '( record {
      name = "Chain-key Ether";
      symbol = "ckETH";
      decimals = 18;
      fee = 0;
      max_supply = 1000_000_000_000_000_000_000_000;
      initial_balances = vec {
          record {
              record {
                  owner = principal "ln6uo-kltso-5nnoy-vpx3t-5gssy-m4ub5-bk4op-tiey6-ceb65-jklgn-4ae";
                  subaccount = null;
      min_burn_amount = 0;
      minting_account = null;
      advanced_settings = null;
  })' --network ic --with-cycles 1000000000

### Deploy swap canister and add authority for 2 token
dfx deploy --network ic swap --argument="(principal \"$(dfx identity get-principal)\", principal \"$(dfx canister --network ic id swap)\")"

### Deploy aggregator canister 
dfx deploy --network ic aggregator --argument="(principal \"$(dfx identity get-principal)\", principal \"$(dfx canister --network ic id aggregator)\", \"$(dfx canister --network ic id swap)\")"

dfx deploy --network ic aggregator0 --argument="(principal \"$(dfx identity get-principal)\", principal \"$(dfx canister --network ic id aggregator0)\", \"$(dfx canister --network ic id swap)\")"

dfx deploy --network ic aggregator1 --argument="(principal \"$(dfx identity get-principal)\", principal \"$(dfx canister --network ic id aggregator1)\", \"$(dfx canister --network ic id swap)\")"

### Deploy deposit (staking) canister and authority for 2 token
dfx deploy --network ic deposit0 --argument="(principal \"$(dfx identity get-principal)\", principal \"$(dfx canister --network ic id deposit0)\", \"d.ckBTC'\", \"d.ckBTC\", \"$(dfx canister --network ic id token0)\")"

dfx deploy --network ic deposit1 --argument="(principal \"$(dfx identity get-principal)\", principal \"$(dfx canister --network ic id deposit1)\", \"d.ckETH'\", \"d.ckETH\", \"$(dfx canister --network ic id token1)\")"

### Deploy borrow canister
dfx deploy --network ic borrow --argument="(principal \"$(dfx identity get-principal)\", principal \"$(dfx canister --network ic id aggregator)\", principal \"$(dfx canister --network ic id deposit0)\", principal \"$(dfx canister --network ic id deposit1)\", \"$(dfx canister --network ic id swap)\", principal \"$(dfx canister --network ic id token0)\", principal \"$(dfx canister --network ic id token1)\")"

dfx deploy --network ic borrow0 --argument="(principal \"$(dfx identity get-principal)\", principal \"$(dfx canister --network ic id aggregator0)\", principal \"$(dfx canister --network ic id deposit0)\", \"$(dfx canister --network ic id swap)\", principal \"$(dfx canister --network ic id token0)\", principal \"$(dfx canister --network ic id deposit0)\")"

dfx deploy --network ic borrow1 --argument="(principal \"$(dfx identity get-principal)\", principal \"$(dfx canister --network ic id aggregator1)\", principal \"$(dfx canister --network ic id deposit1)\", \"$(dfx canister --network ic id swap)\", principal \"$(dfx canister --network ic id token1)\", principal \"$(dfx canister --network ic id deposit1)\")"

Step 3. Run UI

npm run dev

Initialize command

dfx canister call swap addToken "(principal \"$(dfx canister id token0 --network ic)\", \"ICRC1\")" --network ic
dfx canister call swap addToken "(principal \"$(dfx canister id token1 --network ic)\", \"ICRC1\")" --network ic
dfx canister call swap addToken "(principal \"$(dfx canister id deposit0 --network ic)\", \"ICRC1\")" --network ic
dfx canister call swap addToken "(principal \"$(dfx canister id deposit1 --network ic)\", \"ICRC1\")" --network ic
dfx canister call swap createPair "(principal \"$(dfx canister id token0 --network ic)\", principal \"$(dfx canister id token1 --network ic)\")" --network ic
dfx canister call swap createPair "(principal \"$(dfx canister id token0 --network ic)\", principal \"$(dfx canister id deposit0 --network ic)\")" --network ic
dfx canister call swap createPair "(principal \"$(dfx canister id token1 --network ic)\", principal \"$(dfx canister id deposit1 --network ic)\")" --network ic

dfx canister call deposit0 addToken "(principal \"$(dfx canister --network ic id token0)\", \"ICRC2\")" --network ic

dfx canister call deposit0 addBorrowId "(principal \"$(dfx canister --network ic id borrow)\")" --network ic

dfx canister call deposit0 addBorrowId "(principal \"$(dfx canister --network ic id borrow0)\")" --network ic

dfx canister call deposit1 addToken "(principal \"$(dfx canister --network ic id token1)\", \"ICRC2\")" --network ic

dfx canister call deposit1 addBorrowId "(principal \"$(dfx canister --network ic id borrow)\")" --network ic

dfx canister call deposit1 addBorrowId "(principal \"$(dfx canister --network ic id borrow1)\")" --network ic

Transfer token command

dfx canister call token0 icrc1_transfer '(record {  to = record {owner=principal "323jc-yaaaa-aaaap-qhjsa-cai"}; amount= 200_000_000_000_000_000_000 })' --network ic

dfx canister call token1 icrc1_transfer '(record {  to = record {owner=principal "323jc-yaaaa-aaaap-qhjsa-cai"}; amount= 200_000_000_000_000_000_000 })' --network ic

Start server command

docker build -t ckx .

docker run -d --name ckx-container ckx


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