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Software Components

cjshawMIT edited this page Mar 29, 2018 · 1 revision

Unplatform is actually composed of multiple software components working together to form a complete system. Each component has its own code repository, which will be described and linked to here.

Unplatform code itself provides a splash screen to get simple user information and also navigation to content modules or tools. The rest of the application relies on the components used.

unplatform splash screen with user survey

Content and Assessments

To read ePub2 content and display the side-navigation menu, unplatform relies on a content player.

To display and author assessments, unplatform uses the open assessments client.

To store assessments and handle student responses, unplatform uses qbank.

You can see how these each work together in the following screenshot.

Screenshot of unplatform content with each software component highlighted

Interactive Tools

Unplatform provides a menu navigation for any interactive tools that are included.

Menu for selecting which interactive tool to use

Once you open a specific tool, then it appears in the browser with an unplatform navigation menu.

Unplatform navigation menu on top of the open story tool